
2022-11-24 12:48
Rollovers - update
24.11.2022   OILBRNT.pro: -4 points for long and 2 points for short position OILBRNT.std: -8 points for long and -2 points for short position
2022-11-22 08:30
Rollovers - final values
Rollovers - final values  21.11.2022   PALLAD.pro: -135 points for long and 95 points for short position PALLAD.std: -165 points for long and 65 points for short position
2022-11-18 15:12
Holidays in the following week
Holidays 24.11.2022 trading will be disabled: US EQUITIES, ETFs, US stocks early close 19:00: US30.pro, US30.std, US.30, US100.pro, US100.std, US.100, NAS100, US500.pro, US500.std, US.500, SPX500,...
2022-11-18 14:57
Rollovers, dividends in the following week
Rollovers   The base contracts for given Financial Instruments will be changed. The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points: 21.11.2022...
2022-11-18 09:31
Rollovers - final values
Rollovers - final values 17.11.2022 LEANHOG.pro: -583.5 points for long and 581.5 points for short position NATGAS: -375 points for long and 375 points for short position NATGAS.pro: -376 points...
2022-11-17 11:40
Rollovers - update
17.11.2022 LEANHOG.pro: -478.5 points for long and 476.5 points for short position NATGAS: -385 points for long and 385 points for short position NATGAS.pro: -386 points for long and 384 points for...
2022-11-17 11:40
Rollovers - update
17.11.2022 LEANHOG.pro: -478.5 points for long and 476.5 points for short position NATGAS: -385 points for long and 385 points for short position NATGAS.pro: -386 points for long and 384 points for...
2022-11-16 08:29
Rollovers - final values
Rollovers - final values 15.11.2022 OIL.WTI: 67 points for long and -67 points for short position OILWTI.pro: 66 points for long and -68 points for short position OILWTI.std: 62 points for long...
2022-11-15 10:31
Rollovers - update
Rollovers - update  15.11.2022 OIL.WTI: 52 points for long and -52 points for short position OILWTI.pro: 51 points for long and -53 points for short position OILWTI.std: 47 points for long and -57...
2022-11-11 16:19
Rollovers, dividends in the following week
Rollovers The base contracts for given Financial Instruments will be changed. The resulting rollover will be applied to all open positions with the addition or deduction of swap points: 15.11.2022...
CFD ir sarežģīti instrumenti, un tiem ir augsts risks attiecībā uz strauju naudas zaudēšanu sviras finansējuma dēļ.
75% no šā produktu sniedzēja privāto ieguldītāju kontiem zaudē naudu, veicot CFD tirdzniecību.
Jums būtu jāapsver tas, vai izprotat, kā CFD darbojas, un vai Jūs varat atļauties uzņemties augsto naudas zaudēšanas risku.