Rollover - final values

16-06-2022 23:28
  • DE.30: 260 points for long and -260 points for short position
  • 255 points for long and -265 points for short position
  • DE30.std: 246 points for long and -274 points for short position
  • GER30: 255 points for long and -265 points for short position
  • PL.20: 10 points for long and -10 points for short position
  • 3.5 points for long and -16.5 points for short position
  • PL20.std: -2.5 points for long and -22.5 points for short position
  • NATGAS: 19 points for long and -19 points for short position
  • 18 points for long and -20 points for short position
  • NATGAS.std: -6 points for long and -44 points for short position
  • 10.5 points for long and -11.5 points for short position
  • CH20.std: 7 points for long and -15 points for short position
  • 565 points for long and -575 points for short position
  • GB100.std: 550 points for long and -590 points for short position
CFD ir sarežģīti instrumenti, un tiem ir augsts risks attiecībā uz strauju naudas zaudēšanu sviras finansējuma dēļ.
75% no šā produktu sniedzēja privāto ieguldītāju kontiem zaudē naudu, veicot CFD tirdzniecību.
Jums būtu jāapsver tas, vai izprotat, kā CFD darbojas, un vai Jūs varat atļauties uzņemties augsto naudas zaudēšanas risku.