Hour Remain.   Type of event Period Priority Curr. Forec. Prev.
00:45  - GDP s.a. GDP s.a. 2Q 3 0,9% q/q 0,4% q/q -0,1% q/q
00:45  - GDP s.a. GDP s.a. 2Q 3 1,8% y/y 1,2% y/y 2,2% y/y
03:30  - RBA Quarterly Bulletin RBA Quarterly Bulletin 3Q 1
08:45  - Business Confidence Business Confidence September 1 99 96 96
09:00  - BIEC Welfare Index BIEC Welfare Index September 2 93,1 92,6
09:30  - Interest Rate Decision Interest Rate Decision 3Q 3 1,75% 2,00% 1,75%
09:30  - Interest Rate Decision Interest Rate Decision September 1 4,00% 4,00% 3,75%
10:00  - Interest Rate Decision Interest Rate Decision September 1 4,25% 4,25% 4,00%
10:00  - Construction-Assembly Production s.a. Construction-Assembly Production s.a. August 1 3,5% y/y 2% y/y
10:00  - Construction-Assembly Production Construction-Assembly Production August 1 3,5% y/y 1,1% y/y 1,1% y/y
10:00  - Retail Sales Retail Sales August 2 3,1% y/y 1,8% y/y 2,1% y/y
10:00  - Retail Sales Retail Sales August 2 2,7% m/m 1,2% m/m
10:00  - Retail Sales at Constant Prices Retail Sales at Constant Prices August 2 -2,7% y/y -3,9% y/y -4% y/y
10:00  - SNB Press Conference SNB Press Conference 1
10:00  - Bundesbank Chairman Nagel Speaks Bundesbank Chairman Nagel Speaks 3
13:00  - Official Bank Rate Official Bank Rate September 3 5,25% 5,50% 5,25%
13:00  - MPC Official Bank Rate Votes MPC Official Bank Rate Votes September 3 4-5-0 8-1-0 8-1-0
13:00  - Bank of England Minutes Bank of England Minutes September 3
13:00  - One-week Repo Rate One-week Repo Rate September 1 30,00% 30,00% 25,00%
13:00  - Overnight Borrowing Rate Overnight Borrowing Rate September 1 31,50% 26,50%
13:00  - Overnight Funding Rate Overnight Funding Rate September 1 28,50% 23,50%
13:00  - Late Liquidity Window Rate Late Liquidity Window Rate September 1 34,50% 29,50%
14:30  - Current Account Current Account 2Q 2 -212,1 bn USD -221 bn USD -219,3 bn USD
14:30  - Philadelphia Fed Index Philadelphia Fed Index September 2 -13,5 -0,9 12
14:30  - Weekly Jobless Claims Weekly Jobless Claims Week 3 201 k 225 k 220 k
14:30  - New House Price Index New House Price Index August 1 0,1% m/m -0,1% m/m
16:00  - Conference Board Leading Indicators Conference Board Leading Indicators August 1 -0,4% -0,4% -0,4%
16:00  - Existing Home Sales Existing Home Sales August 3 4,04 mn 4,1 mn 4,07 mn
16:00  - European Central Bank Chairman Speaks European Central Bank Chairman Speaks 2
16:30  - EIA Natural Gas Storage EIA Natural Gas Storage Week 2 64 bn 65 bn 57 bn
23:00  - Westpac Consumer Sentiment Westpac Consumer Sentiment 3Q 2 80,2 83,1
No data
CFD yra sudėtingos priemonės, dėl kurių kyla didelė rizika greitai prarasti pinigus taikant finansinį svertą.
75 proc. neprofesionaliųjų investuotojų sąskaitų prarandami pinigai prekiaujant CFD su šiuo teikėju.
Turėtumėte pagalvoti, ar suprantate, kaip veikia CFD ir ar galite sau leisti prisiimti didelę riziką prarasti savo pinigus.